Evernote for mac os 10.6.8
Evernote for mac os 10.6.8

evernote for mac os 10.6.8

Then I tried disabling Evernote Helper and I was able to copy files to my network drive. I tried disabling DiskUnmountWatcher, with no success. in response to johnny van rockerĮvernote Helper seems to have been the culprit for me. Re: Can't move files - The operation can’t be completed because the item is in use. There's a checkbox in Preferences you must uncheck to make the Evernote Helper quit when you quit Evernote. QUIT EVERNOTE and make sure Evernote Helper quits also.

evernote for mac os 10.6.8

Tried many of these solutions, but none worked until I QUIT EVERNOTE. The context is that I have a lot of image files that I am copying (trying to.) new external 3TB drives for backup and the job appears endless if I have to do this in batches of 10 or so.! Would appreciate any thoughts or sugestions, this has got me beat Have looked on here for previous posts, past suggestion was to disable creation of DS_Store files - not really a solution and realistically, defeats the purpose of their creation

  • the HDs are all journal-enabled, OS X extended formats.
  • the HDs are all Mac OS X formatted, no foreign file formats involved.
  • The files and folders are all Mac-generated, so hint or trace of foreign OSs in the mix.
  • I constantly (and I mean constantly) have to resort to copying files across in small batches (fewer than 10 works best) because anytime I try to copy lots of files and folders from my mac to an external hard drive (or from one external HD to a second external HD), I ALWAYS get the error message "The operation can't be completed because an item with the name.

    evernote for mac os 10.6.8

    Major headaches with copying files and folders between drives.

    Evernote for mac os 10.6.8